The Rants of a Scotsman

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Introducing the worlds smallest dinobot snarl!

Isn't he the coolest? He's a high quality bootleg from Just-it-toys you can buy him at the TF Source or Xybertoys and other places I'm sure! It's for collectors only because he small parts and you might have to glue on a fin or two. But as long as he's for show only you shouldn't have to worry! A must for any transformer or bootleg toy collector!

Well enough about snarl I've had one SHITE day. Work sucks at the moment simply because we don't have a manager and everyone is basically out for themselves. The person in charge of our department had a holiday last week so a lot of shifts didn't get covered for this week. Which left me up the creek last week and today. Apparently it was mine and the other supervisors fault.

HOWEVER the person in charge had my hours worked out before she went on holiday so she could have had those shifts covered. Still what do I care? The place will be shutting in about years time give or take. So no team work, no help no fuck all you're shafted essentially. Oh encase you don't know my job is working in a supermarket, as a checkout supervisor so after reading that and the paragraph prior you'll get why I'm pissed.

Game wise has been sloooooooooooooowwwwwwww mainly because I haven't had time. Downloaded need for speed most wanted demo on the xbox360 M.P It's pretty cool I'll prob buy it down the line.

Still on the plus side today I had a fantastic driving lesson so that's something,

Later all!

Friday, March 03, 2006

It's snowing! But in march wtf?

It's strange weather in Scotland, or rather the UK. We didn't get much snow during the proper winter months so we're getting it now. It's been chaos over most of Scotland, England and Wales except for here, until today that is!

I live in the Scottish borders in a town called galashiels and we seem to have missed most of the snow. Most likely because the place is surround with hills (I wouldn't go as far to call them mountains) So we have a bowl like effect. Which means when it's hot it's freeking hot and if it's cold it's ball shrinkingly cold.

So apart from the weather I've not been up to much. Been off this past week from work for no reason other than I needed to take a week off. You don't get the money if you don't take all the holidays so I might as well!

After being bored to the nth degree with Kameo honestly it's one boring 'kin game! I headed to blockbuster to pick up some cheap ex-rental games. I got killer 7 and SNK vs Capcom chaos.

SNK vs Capcom chaos is the SNK take on the Capcom vs SNK games. It's not better than those games it looks different but in good way. Bearing in mind the hardware that the game was made on is over 15 years old now! They've redrawn all the capcom sprites expect Hugo they've just palleted him to the snk look. Good game, tight controls what more could you ask.

Killer 7 is just one strange game and I mean STRANGE! Gameplay wise its a super light resi evil. Easy puzzles and you shoot zombie like things. Storyline wise is bizarre. You play a team of hitmen (and a women) although it might not be real and all in the mind of a split-personality old man. All the characters speak really odd as well. The cel-shaded look adds to it's oddness.

And that's me off again bye for now!