The Rants of a Scotsman

Monday, April 17, 2006

A post before lunch time? Only the proclaimer would dare!

Well then lets get down to business.

Ok rant first. Last week at work was fucking terrible! Well that's not completely true it was fine till Thurs. Thur was just a busy day very busy and it's hard to deal with a lot of customers and bells etc!

Friday was a fucking nightmare mostly because the customer services manager decided to plonk herself in the fag counter while did all the supervising and the shit hit the fan. Then later on in the day I got into trouble with the new manager because the queues built up. Which in fairness to him he had every right to have a go at me.

BUT it didn't help that THREE of my staff left at 5 and no one else was coming in till 6. Which left me with three staff and being good Friday you can imagine it was busy. After getting moaned at I just give up and when the main supervisor for the night came down I just sat on a till for the rest of my shift.

And I had a quiet weekend in prob better than turning to drink although I dunno maybe I should have for the sat at least. Anyway on to something else.

So yes as I mentioned I bought he-man for the PS2 for £3 in mypreviouss blog. And as I expected it sucks even with the cheats it's a buggy mess. Although it's pretty funny as well. One example when I was roaming a forest riding with the battlecat I jumped of a cliff and landed on this blue machine like thing and I got stuck!!! Still for £3 what do you expect eh?

So I decided after much humming and hawing to get the elderscrolls oblivion for the 360. Now I hate RPG's with a passion (that's role playing games for you people not in the know) But by god this game is amazing. It's not a stat cruncher and you're not in those god awful turn based battles they happen in real time.

You can do the main mission if you like but you don't HAVE to there is plenty other things to do in the game. It's set imedievalil times so you can take part in arena challenges and such. If you have a 360 go out and buy this game!

Anyway I'm off for my lunch and then a god damn 2-10 shift at work arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (still I get tues and thurs off woo!)


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